Machining Division Our plant are well equipped with the latest technologies
Computer numerical control is the automated control of machining tools by means of a completed a CNC machine process a piece of material to meet satisfaction by following a coded programmed and instructions and without a manual operator directly controlling the machine operation.
VMC machining refers to machining operation that utilize vertical machining centers, which as the name suggests that have vertically oriented machine tools.
Horizontal machining occurs on a horizontal machine center. which employs a spindle that is parallel to the ground floor, with a horizontally oriented spindle, tools static out of the side of the tool holder and cut across the side of a workpiece encouraging chips to full away from the table
Technology Up-gradation
A coordinate measuring machine is a device that measures the geometry of physical object by sensing discrete point on the surface of the object with a probe. Various type of probes are used in CMM’s including mechanical, optical laser and with lights.